Vishnu Purana


Vishnu Purana is the gem among Vaishnava Scriptures and is considered the most authentic and important source for Worship of Bhagwan Vishnu. It is structured into 6 different Amsas. This book covers the first 3 Amsas of the Purana

The first Amsa begins with the Time in Hindu Philosophy, creation in general. It then details the narrations of Dhruva, Prithu and Prahlada. The second Amsa details world geography, solar system, Swarga Patala lokas and ends with the narration of Jada Bharatha. The third Amsa details the structure of Vedas, Upanishads, recounts various dharmas and  narrates the life of Ved Vyasa.

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Vishnu Purana is the gem among Vaishnava Scriptures and is considered the most authentic and important source for Worship of Bhagwan Vishnu. It is structured into 6 different Amsas. Narration of Syamantaka Mani in this Purana is quite elaborate, most authentic and is the one to be recited during Ganesha Chaturthi

The first Amsa begins with the Time in Hindu Philosophy, creation in general. It then details the narrations of Dhruva, Prithu and Prahlada. The second Amsa details world geography, solar system, Swarga Patala lokas and ends with the narration of Jada Bharatha. The third Amsa details the structure of Vedas, Upanishads, recounts various dharmas and  narrates the life of Ved Vyasa.

The fourth Amsa narrates Ikshvaku, Mandhata,  Janaka, Yayati, Yadu, Dushyanta and an overview of Sri Krishna. The fifth Amsa then details the Krishna Avatara including slaying of Putana, Trunavartha, Dhenuka, Pralamba, Kamsa, Krishna and Balarama’s travel to Dwarka and their lives in Dwarka. Highlight of this Amsa is the story of Syamanataka Mani story that is described in great detail. This version of the Syamantaka Mani is considered the most authentic and the one to be recited during Ganesha Chaturthi.  The sixth and final Amsa concludes the Purana with the characteristics of Kali, greatness of Kali yuga and the glory of Vishnu Purana.

Additional information


Hindi – As is Translation, Hindi – Slokas and Meaning, Telugu – As is Translation, Telugu – Slokas and meaning


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