Padma Purana – Srushti Khanda


Srushti Khanda as its name suggests recounts the details of Srushti (creation) and how the world came into being. It discusses the nature of the world manifesting itself from unmanifest and time in Hindu Philosophy (Kalpas, 7 Manus, their rule in what is known as Manvantaras, Indras during that time, etc.). Maha Vishnu’s avataras of Hayagriva, Matsya and the other Dasa Avataras,. The Purana then proceeds to detail the Surya Vamsha (Solar race), Chandra Vamsha (Lunar race), Maha Vishnu’s Prithu avatar, Prithu’s dialogue with earth and reverting Earth its glory. It discusses the origins of Gayatri, Saraswathi river, the I oortance of Saptami and Dvadasi tithis, Vratas such as Angaraka Chaturthi (Chaturthi that falls on Tuesdays), Rohini Chandra Sayana Vratha, etc.

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Padma Purana is the 2ⁿᵈ largest Purana with 55,000 Slokas. It is structured into Khandas:

  1. Srishti Khanda with 82 chapters
  2. Bhumi Khanda with 125 chapter
  3. Swarga Khanda with 62 chapters
  4. Brahma Khanda with 26 chapters
  5. Patala Khanda with 117 chapters
  6. Uttara Khanda with 255 chapters

Srushti Khanda as its name suggests recounts the details of Srushti (creation) and how the world came into being. It discusses the nature of the world manifesting itself from unmanifest and time in Hindu Philosophy (Kalpas, 7 Manus, their rule in what is known as Manvantaras, Indras during that time, etc.). Maha Vishnu’s avataras of Hayagriva, Matsya and the other Dasa Avataras,. The Purana then proceeds to detail the Surya Vamsha (Solar race), Chandra Vamsha (Lunar race), Maha Vishnu’s Prithu avatar, Prithu’s dialogue with earth and reverting Earth its glory. It discusses the origins of Gayatri, Saraswathi river, the I oortance of Saptami and Dvadasi tithis, Vratas such as Angaraka Chaturthi (Chaturthi that falls on Tuesdays), Rohini Chandra Sayana Vratha, etc.

The killing of Rakshasas Madhu, Kaitabha, Kalanemi, Suva and Parvati’s marriage, birth of Kartikeya, Kartikeya’s war with Tarakasura and Narasimha slaying Hiranyakasipu, war of Andhaka and victory of Bhagwan Siva,  narrations of Garuda and Ahalya are described in detail and the book concludes with various planets and their effects on humans along with remedies to reduce the planets negative effects

Additional information


Telugu – As is Translation, Telugu – Slokas and meaning


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