Brahma Vaivartha Purana observes Bhagwan Krishna as the supreme Parabrahma. Brahma Vaivartha Purana is considered by many scholars as the source of things Krishna and equivalent to Bhagavatha Purana in its supremacy. Brahma Vaivartha Purana is structured as follows:
- Brahma Khanda
- Prakrithi Khanda
- Ganapathi Khanda
- Sri Krishna Janana Khanda
Prakrithi Khanda is the second part of Brahma Vaivartha Purana and outlines the mahatmya of the Prakrithi (Divine energy) that manifests from Sri Radha Devi as Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Durga. Prakrithi Khanda covers all the key aspects of Devi Bhagavatha Purana including Ganga’s history before becoming a river, History of sacred Tulasi, Tulasi’s marriage with Shankha Chuda, Emergence of Saligrama, Narration of Savitri, Yama’s dialogue with Savitri, and Savitri resuscitating her husband. Narrations of Lakshmi, Shashthi Devi, Manasa Devi, Radha Devi, Surabhi, and Durga. Prakrithi Khanda is the source of Saraswathi Stotra, Saraswathi Kavacha, Pruthvi Stotra, Radha Kavacha and the Durga Kavacha popularly known as Brahmanda Mohana.
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